Volume-II, Issue-I, December-2023
Current Issue
Volume-II, Issue-I, December-2023
1. History of Probability and Its Uses in Everyday Life
2. Influential Economic Factors on the GDP of Bangladesh
3. Impact of Knowledge Sharing on Quality Education in Bangladesh: A Case Study on the Students of Private Universities
4. Identity Crisis and Psychological Conflict in Doris Lessing’s “To Room Nineteen”: A Study of Women’s Failure in Patriarchal Society
5. Exploring the Attitude of Teachers and Learners towards Teaching and Learning English at the HSC Level in Bangladesh
6. Analyzing the Nature of Pronoun Deficiency of Bengali Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
7. Development of a Remotely Operated Smart Husking Pedal System Controlled by Android Application
8. IoT Based Smart Railway Station System with Trust Based Secure Parking Allocation and Comprehensive Waste Management Solution
9. Challenges of the Digital Evidence in Bangladesh: The Evidence (Amendment) Act-2022
10. Investigation of Antioxidant and Antihyperglycemic Activities of Ethanol Leaves Extract of Cinamomum tamala, A Commonly Used Cooking Ingredient
11. A Comparative Study of Serum Antioxidant (Vitamin C) Level in People with and without Type 2 Diabetes in Narayanganj, Bangladesh
12. Antibacterial Activity of Ethanolic Leaf Extract of Sida rhombifolia L. Against Gram Negative Bacteria
13. Outcome Based Education at the Tertiary Level in Bangladesh: Principles and Practices